About Güitaca Publishers

Güitaca was an extremely beautiful goddess who celebrated a life full of joy, games, and pleasure. As a result of protesting against Bochica, the heavens CEO, she was turned into a white owl. Güitaca, coming from the Muisca mythology, is our symbol and guardian. The Muiscas were the pivot civilization of the Americas, between the Incas in the south, and the Aztecs in the north, inhabiting the Altiplano Cundiboyacense, a high plateau in the Colombian Andes.

Güitaca Publishers is an independent company aimed at bringing out technical books in electronic format, especially about Information Technology, computer developing, and systems engineering. We aim to present the most recent publications to our readers using novel processes as, for example, our "Books by subscription" concept.

Our team is internationally located and makes use of the most modern computer technology to communicate and produce our books. The Güitaca Publishers team is composed of:

Vicky Santana - Editor in Chief

Our CEO, with an ample experience managing international magazines and publications, Vicky inspires, administers, and coordinates the Güitaca enterprise. A journalist by profession and photograph by spirit, she takes care of the complete publishing process.

Alcira Blanco - Language Department

Alcira oversees our translation and editing department. She ensures that you can understand what our authors try to tell you. From her background in biology stems her affinity for environmental themes, and she is a translator and proofreader for the love of art and languages.

Martha Sarmiento - Graphic Design

You can read our books thanks to the designs made by Martha. Professional in graphic design, specialized in editorial processes, design and layout of print media, Martha has quite a long experience in the field.

Alejandro Pérez & Jordi Niubó - Artwork Design

Alejandro and Jordi are the creators of our covers, logos and all the artwork of Güitaca. Alejandro has developed his career as copywriter, account executive and project coordinator in his bilbaosolutions.com own company. Jordi is trained in artistic disciplines and computer technologies (jordiniubo.com), with mentions of his work by the EIDE.

If you wish to make contact with the Güitaca Publishers team, please send us an email to info@guitaca.com. We are interested as well if you want to become one of our authors.

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Amsterdam - Bogotá - Bilbao
